Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Die Cuttin Diva's - Fun with Puns

Happy Tuesday! 
It's time for another Die Cuttin Diva's Challenge! This week we have a Fun with Puns challenge! How Fun is that? Here is my "Punny" treat!

I love this little treat. I'm a little early for Valentine's Day but wouldn't this be so CUTE to hand out as little treats? But for now, I'll throw this in my Husbands travel bag :) He'll think it's funny :)
It was super easy using the MCT trifold card Die, I LOVE this die and use it for a variety of projects! I also added a fun light bulb die cut also from MCT You're Brilliant!

I added a chocolate treat and you've got a sweet treat ready to eat :)
Hope you have some time to pop over to Die Cuttin Diva's and check out all the DT projects and join us for some "Punny" FUN!!

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